
四月份报告 | Monthly Report: April 2011

Yikes, I told myself to update this in early May, and I almost forgot about it. It was a very unhealthy and stressful month for me. It's amazing to know I still can be very bipolar at times. Ups and downs. Somehow... God has shown me enough mercy and miracles. I just have to pull it through... and I know that it is the END of my whatever emotional drama; because someone who has a very high self-esteem (although it only applies to certain areas of my 'expertise') like myself just hate the feeling of low self-esteem and lack of confidence. So here it goes.

1. Relationship with God.
Went to life church twice I think. Read the notes but skipped the discussions because I was kinda losing track of time. BUT something BIG happened!!! This I cannot stop saying it! God answered my mother's and my prayers!! I kept on praying for a chance for me to complete my animation, and mother prayed for my self-confidence, and I had gotten both now. God is good! I cannot express my feeling of gratefulness. God never left me alone to rot, God is there watching over me, always. Thank you, my Lord!

3. Exercise.
- Did stretching and simple exercises inconsistently.
- Didn't jog at all.

4. Reading.
- Completed "1Q84" (book 2)
- Started "1Q84" (book 3)
- Reading Air Gear Manga, at chapter 249 now.

5. Train my left hand.

Brush teeth using both my right hand and the left.

11. Drive to places.
Only drove to campus and to friend's house nearby. Not much improvement.

Well, I've been working on my Final Year Project this month, not to mention about personal matters, because there always will be a particular group of friends who doesn't know how to respect. To those who are not my close friends, yes I am actually very particular and picky towards the way you express yourself to me.

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