
二月份报告 | Monthly Report: Feb 2011

Link to: 2011 Reso-Resolution

Progress on the following goals this month. I'm slipping!

1. Relationship with God.

Uh uh, not good. I had been distant with Him.

- Forgetting to do morning prayers, did them 2-3 times in a week. > < - Lifechurch streaming has been extremely lag. Did not join any talk-it-over, but still read the sermon notes. - My bible reading plan is behind schedule by a week.

2. Writing.
Did some random notes on some small thoughts and feelings. Here and there, some were written and some were typed. Had not gone through my collection of notes and diaries and photos.

3. Exercise.
- Did stretching inconsistently.
- Jogged once, and it rained.

4. Reading.
- On page 393 for "1Q84" (book 1)
- Completed Phil Yeh's graphic novels.
- Rereading Air Gear Manga, at chapter 63 now.

5. Train my left hand.
Brushed teeth with left hand, most of the days.

8. Revise Japanese Language.
Revised some Japanese hiragana, been slightly better in Japanese input.
And started to learn Hangul. Haha wtf.


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