
三月份报告 | Monthly Report: March 2011

March didn't become a productive month for me. I still chicken out on things.

1. Relationship with God.
Went to life church weekly, joined a talk-it-over discussion. Did prayers, but I am not sure if I did things right, not sure if I'm on the right path. My bible reading plan is almost 3 weeks behind the schedule. The feeling of recording a reverse progress feels terrible.

2. Writing.
No... not thinking too much lately, so haven't been writing to myself. But have been exchanging letters and thoughts with friends. Philosophy and views on various things, specifically in love.

3. Exercise.
- Did stretching inconsistently.
- Didn't jog at all. T_T

4. Reading.

- On page 255 for "1Q84" (book 2)
- Completed Chin Yew's titles.
- Reading Air Gear Manga, at chapter 249 now.

5. Train my left hand.

Brush teeth using both my right hand and the left, the left hand doesn't do the job well.
Haven't practice doodling and writing with my left hand yet.
Washed dishes with my left hand once.

8. Revise Japanese Language.

Revised some Japanese hiragana and kanji pronunciation, thanks yenyen for helping with my revision. Haven't done any Hangul consonants and vowels revision.

11. Drive to places.
I'm still driving dangerously.I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm very noob.
I drove to the post office in Cyberjaya, drove to Mid Valley and drove through Puchong with the aid from Mummi and Jacky, my side parking still suck. But I feel more intimate with Gaga now.


SeDi Challenge

To those who have been following my blog since decades ago, SeDi might sound familiar to you. I made this term "SeDi" as a short for self-discipline, so yeah this is a Self-Discipline Challenge!

Previous SeDi Projects were.... failures. *look down on myself* Being reminded again by this post here, I decided to start one again, changing it from 'SeDi Project' to 'SeDi Challenge'. Because instead of doing the project, I want to overcome this challenge.

It is not fun to see my low self-esteem in my degree course constantly bulging into my life. My lack of confidence had been leading to severe procrastination. I keep imagining what ifs situations and become depressed and freak myself out. I keep praying, I think the Lord is constantly giving me chances (that I don't deserve) to overcome my fear, because He is this wonderful and patient.

I hated the weekly cycle. I despise my low self-esteem. I want to change.

The following is a daily to-do list:

1. Prayers
2. Work on FYP
3. Draw/write
4. Sleep early, not later than 2am; wake up early, not later than 10am.

This daily routine targets to work the hardest and most important task the first thing in the morning. No randomly checking emails, no facebook, no kongregate, no long chats when I'm working. I've spent too much time wandering off elsewhere.

Plan starts the day after this post.

I will post something after a week on my progress and results.


















二月份报告 | Monthly Report: Feb 2011

Link to: 2011 Reso-Resolution

Progress on the following goals this month. I'm slipping!

1. Relationship with God.

Uh uh, not good. I had been distant with Him.

- Forgetting to do morning prayers, did them 2-3 times in a week. > < - Lifechurch streaming has been extremely lag. Did not join any talk-it-over, but still read the sermon notes. - My bible reading plan is behind schedule by a week.

2. Writing.
Did some random notes on some small thoughts and feelings. Here and there, some were written and some were typed. Had not gone through my collection of notes and diaries and photos.

3. Exercise.
- Did stretching inconsistently.
- Jogged once, and it rained.

4. Reading.
- On page 393 for "1Q84" (book 1)
- Completed Phil Yeh's graphic novels.
- Rereading Air Gear Manga, at chapter 63 now.

5. Train my left hand.
Brushed teeth with left hand, most of the days.

8. Revise Japanese Language.
Revised some Japanese hiragana, been slightly better in Japanese input.
And started to learn Hangul. Haha wtf.
